A company founded with a strong goal and clear purpose.
Hydrex Research Center was founded to actively contribute toward the goal of clean rivers, seas and oceans. HRC collects, analyzes and converts information based on true data and provides practical advice to allow companies, NGO’s and governments to make well-informed decisions to reduce their own environmental impact and to improve the quality of the marine environment.
Our purpose is to provide high-quality information and practical advice based on true data to companies, NGOs and governments on issues relating to clean rivers, seas and oceans and to help these entities take measures that contribute to our precious marine environment.
At Hydrex Research Center we have a clear vision about how we could offer the most valuable and high-quality information and advice. This approach includes complete independence without any influence or vested interest. We work entirely for the company or organization who hires us and for the good of the environment. We are supported only by the fees we charge for the research and consultancy. The information and advice provided is impartial and independent and we are not swayed by monetary considerations. If you hire us, you are guaranteed truthful results.
We are confident that accurate, unprejudiced observation, and continuing to look into a situation until all the relevant data have been gathered and tabulated will inevitably lead to a workable, practical solution for all involved. If there is no solution, we have simply not gathered all the information. We persist until all the information is assembled and then the problem either disappears or is magically resolved.
If the solution requires too much effort or strain to implement, then it is not the correct solution. The correct solution is obvious once found and invites the cooperation of all stakeholders involved. It is never complex. It usually makes those involved feel somewhat foolish for not having seen it before. But this is only natural.
We realize that when companies, institutions and governments are looking at increased sustainability, this has to be achieved within the commercial or other framework in which they exist and function. It must not be mere “pie in the sky”. Therefore when we advise solutions, these are based on a sound economic foundation as well as considering the optimum solution for the environment.
Hydrex Research Center is backed by nearly 50 years of experience in the marine sector including over 40 patents on groundbreaking innovations, over 30 scientific papers and books on environmental research in the field of shipping, corrosion industry, dredging industry, hydroelectric energy and marine pollution. This knowledge and expertise ensures that we can offer our clients high quality final products.
Hydrex Research Center employs top academic talent from a wide range of technical disciplines. Each project team is carefully constituted so that the issue can be viewed from different technical perspectives. This academic talent will have the opportunity to get to know your company better and you will have the chance to connect with future professionals.
We offer the highest quality of service to our clients due to our selected top students backed by our expertise and know-how in the fields in which we work, and the availability of experienced industry veterans to advise and help with our work