Hydrex Research Center

We conduct research and provide consultancy services to organizations, focusing on environmental, water, and sustainability issues.

Clean rivers, seas and oceans

Practical and useful research and consultancy for organizations on subjects connected with the environment, water and sustainability.

Clean rivers, seas and oceans

Hydrex Research Center

We conduct research and provide consultancy services to organizations, focusing on environmental, water, and sustainability issues.

We deliver practical and relevant results, working towards the goal of clean rivers, seas, and oceans.

Why Hydrex Research Center?

Independent research


True data research center

True data

Solution-oriented hydrex research


Trusted research center


Organisations that chose for us!

A research and consultancy project that you would like to discuss?

Contact us for free consultation.

Our expertise

Are you interested in outside expert research and advice for your organization? 

Please get in touch so that we can discuss the possibilities.


"We highly recommend Hydrex Research Center. We have worked with Hydrex and are very satisfied with the performance. The students at the Hydrex Research Center worked well, understood the assignment quickly, adapted well to changes and actively contributed ideas. Their commitment and flexibility made a positive impression on us. That is why we are happy to continue the collaboration!"

– Schone Maaswaterketen –

"We highly recommend Hydrex Research Center. We have worked with Hydrex and are very satisfied with the performance. The students at the Hydrex Research Center worked well, understood the assignment quickly, adapted well to changes and actively contributed ideas. Their commitment and flexibility made a positive impression on us. That is why we are happy to continue the collaboration!"

– Schone Maaswaterketen –

Current projects

Verbetering van de waterkwaliteit in Nederland door bronaanpak en naleving van Europese regels voor drinkwater en milieu
Environmental assessment

Fresh insights into potential polluters based on water quality risk factors in Flevoland

Hydrex Research Center, in collaboration with Provincie Flevoland and Waterschap Zuiderzeeland, has completed a project aimed at improving the identification of industrial pollution sources. By incorporating additional data and assessing updated risk factors, the project has provided authorities with more precise insights into potential polluters in the region.

WFD, Water framework directive Kaderrichtlijn water Nederland water kwaliteit
Environmental assessment

Data-Driven Analysis of Water Framework Directive for Zuid-Holland

Building on the success of our earlier initiative to tackle industrial pollution in Zuid-Holland, Hydrex Research Center has partnered with the Province of Zuid-Holland in a follow-up project to refine and strengthen the insights gained. This new phase leverages additional data and advanced analysis to provide a sharper focus on the Water Framework Directive (WFD) priorities.

Overview projects