Hotspot analysis to contribute to a cleaner Meuse river (Part 1)

With our team of Technical University of Delft students, we provided new insights for the Schone Maaswaterketen – a collaboration between Rijkswaterstaat, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Dutch water boards and water companies. Their goal is to make the Meuse basin cleaner by reducing pollution.
hotspotanalyse maas stroomgebied

Hydrex Research Center managed our team of talented Technical University of Delft students as they conducted a data analysis to generate new insights regarding the discharge of pollutants into the Meuse basin. With these insights, Rijkswaterstaat and the Dutch water boards acquired an overview of the pollution hotspots in the Dutch part of the Meuse basin. This allows them to review the discharge permits and, where necessary, take effective action to prevent further pollution. 

The Meuse basin flows through the provinces of Brabant and Limburg. Connected to this basin are sewage treatments that have to deal with the polluted discharge of the companies connected to these treatment plants. In the past, the water boards encountered challenges in linking water pollutants to their respective geographical areas and associated companies, as this information is fragmented across various sources. To address this issue, our team connected existing knowledge related to these companies, their specific pollution profiles, and geographical locations. By compiling a comprehensive yet user-friendly database, we provided the Schone Maaswaterketen with a reliable resource for informed decision-making regarding discharge permits.

Check out how we continued our collaboration with the Schone Maaswaterketen in a follow up project!

Our team of senior TU Delft students are working on a project to contribute to help Schone Maaswaterketen clean up the Meuse basin. Left to right: Jula van der Schans, Thomas van Gils, Ellis Huistra and Stijn Lagerwey.


"We highly recommend Hydrex Research Center. We have worked with Hydrex and are very satisfied with the performance. The students at the Hydrex Research Center worked well, understood the assignment quickly, adapted well to changes and actively contributed ideas. Their commitment and flexibility made a positive impression on us. That is why we are happy to continue the collaboration!"

– Schone Maaswaterketen –

"We highly recommend Hydrex Research Center. We have worked with Hydrex and are very satisfied with the performance. The students at the Hydrex Research Center worked well, understood the assignment quickly, adapted well to changes and actively contributed ideas. Their commitment and flexibility made a positive impression on us. That is why we are happy to continue the collaboration!"

– Schone Maaswaterketen –

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